Pemanfaatan E-Commerce Shopee dalam Meningkatkan Strategi Pemasaran Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) di Kecamatan Cimanggis Kota Depok


  • Rizki Plasnajaya STIE MBI
  • Aghnia Wulandari
  • Pramuda Octabudiaji
  • Awaludin
  • Rizal Ardiansyah
  • Defi Rizka Rahmawati
  • Balqis Ummiyamarroh
  • Uli Marsella


Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a crucial role in the global economy,
contributing significantly to employment and economic growth. In today's digital age, it is essential for
MSMEs to utilize E-Commerce platforms like shopee to reach a wider customer base and expand their
businesses beyond traditional brick-and-mortar stores. By tapping into the online marketplace, MSMEs can
increase their visibility, attract new customers, and ultimately drive sales and revenue growth. The
convenience and accessibility of e-commerce platforms make it easier for MSMEs to compete with larger
retailers and establish a strong online presence.
Keyword : MSMEs, economic growth, digital age, Expanding Business, attract new customers.


